Note: The prices are for the cities transfer only
Private taxi Transfer Battambang - Koh Kong, Cambodia Taxi Driver offer overland taxi transfer for journey between Battambang and Koh Kong. The traveler book a wherever these two destinations cities for pick up and drop off, on overland journey, You have a few options transportation.
Our departure time is flexible according to tight schedule from Battambang to Koh Kong or from Koh Kong hotels to Battambang, hassle-free on private vehicle with reliable driver booking us in advance, One of our teammate between Battambang and Koh Kong. We always recommended to negotiate with us the fare and agree on a price before starting your journey.
We offer private overland transfer between Koh Kong - Battamabang by air-conditioning reliable vehicles with safety belts Toyota SUV lexus, Highlander, Toyota Minivan, H1 Van Hyundai, Mini-bus and safe driver.
The prices for a taxi ride from Koh Kong to Battambang vary depending on the type of vehicle and your selections for group size. On average, the cost can range from $195 to $265 for a one-way trip. It's worth noting that prices may slightly change over time public holiday so it's best to double-check the rates before your journey.
Destinations: Battambang - Koh Kong, The distance between these two cities is approximately 369 kilometers Via Route Line from Battambang to Pursat then Koh Kong by cardamom mountain of Kra Vanh mountain range by Road No 55, Road 48 to Koh Kong, Rainfall season, rain damaged road condition some time can be changed of driving route line to Kampong Chhnang No 5, near by Phnom Penh, Kampong Spue No 4, road no 48 to Koh Kong and Batambang the journey typically takes around 8:00 hrs - sometime 12 hours, depending on traffic conditions and road line changing.
The overland journey from Battambang and Koh Kong, During the drive, you'll pass through scenic countryside, small villages and some urban areas. The journey offers a glimpse of the Cambodian landscape, Cardamom Mountain, rivers, see cows, water buffalo and daily life. It's always a good idea to travel on overland to make your journey more interesting and enjoyable of Cambodia countryside.
Lastly, We would like to remind you to wear your seat belt throughout the journey and ensure safety season, good condition before departing. If you have any specific questions or need more information about your journey, feel free to ask, we will be please to reply your questions.
Travel Between Koh Kong and Battambang 2024: